How to piss an african


Gaining inspiration from the amazing Matador Network and their world of great content, we at Jovago would love to try our hands at this slightly humorous and quite educative list – how to piss off an African. Surely, this isn’t completely exhaustive as Africa is vast in so many ways and richly diverse.

Enjoy Jovago’s list on how to piss off an African.

Ask us if Africa’s a country.

From the above introduction, it is quite established that Africa is not a country. The continent has fifty four countries, a population of approximately 1.1 billion, over 3000 languages spoken, more than three different time zones and many other definitive properties supporting the fact that it is a continent. With this in mind, ask again if Africa is a country.
Then proceed to tell us about your friend who lives in South Africa.

Interest in Africa is quite flattering however it would do some good to carry out some actual research before proclaiming some facts in the name of carrying on a conversation. In a discussion with someone from Ethiopia or Niger, bringing South Africa or Nigeria into the conversation isn’t necessarily a high point.
Ask us what it’s like to live on the safari.

Yes, safaris exist in Africa. Kenya’s Maasai Mara is testament to that fact but really? Instead of asking that, get to planning your next trip to one of Africa’s dream destinations. You will definitely be spoilt for choice! A first-hand experience is the best gift to offer yourself if you really want to learn about Africa!
Do poor imitations of our accents.

There’s actually no such thing as an African accent. With its 54 countries, accents differ according to not only countries but also regions within the country. A Ghanaian does not speak English like a Kenyan does and an Hausa man from Nigeria doesn’t speak in the same way an Igbo man from Nigeria does. Diversity is another way to spell Africa.
Pronounce our names wrongly and then proceed to ask if we have an English name.

With over 3000 languages, many African names have profound meanings in their local languages. It causes enough emotional stress to hear our names murdered in the name of pronunciation. Don’t make it worse by asking if we have English names.

Did you enjoy this list? What other points would you add to the “How to Piss off an African” list?

By gistyinka

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