Serving Nigeria Cost Me at Least One Million Dollar Every Year -- Minister of State Petroleum Resources Ibe Kachikwu
Serving Nigeria Cost Me at Least One Million Dollar Every Year — Minister of State Petroleum Resources Ibe Kachikwu

Nigeria minister of state petroleum resource Ibe Kachikwu, has released that his acceptance into public service to serve his country has cost him at least one million dollar every year.

Nigeria state petroleum minister Ibe Kachikwu, speaking in Abuja on Sunday, says that his former job was more financially rewarding than his called into public services.

He said all hands must be on deck to build enduring institutions that would secure the future of the country and improve on the standard of living of Nigerians.
 “The call to public service for me was unique. I was vice-president of Exxon Mobil West Africa and I was suddenly called to serve.In serving, I lose a lot of money, if not at least a million dollars every year by virtue of being a minister, but the thing is, I am directed by the voice of God. I believe that this country needs help. I believe that it is about time we began to perform for the young and upcoming. I believe that the sheer capacity of this country is unimaginable.
“I do not know of any country in the world with our population, our resources, our intellect, our flamboyance, our family nexus, everything is together.”

Kachikwu said with the right leadership, the current economic crunch in Nigeria could be surmounted. He said Nigerians would not feel the impact of the challenges posed by drop in the price of oil if government properly harnessed other natural resources.
“Everything in this country is together; the only thing that is not together is leadership and in God’s name; we are bound to change that.In every little space that you have, and in my own case petroleum, you have to make an absolute change and so I am not worried about price of oil. It can be five dollar for all I care. I am worried about the direction of the industry; I am worried about changing things the way they have never done before. “I am worried about creating opportunities that exist; I am worried about improving the standards of living; I am worried about encouraging opportunities in the sector. I am worried about opening up those opportunities that have existed for years.”

By gistyinka

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