The world generally is still mourn the late south African president and greatest son of African Nelson Mandele. He died on Thursday night in his home town in south African, Over the past few days of announcement of his death by president of south African Jacob Zuma, millions of dignitaries around the wordl and some world leaders and stars as paid their own tribute to the late human right activist and freedom fighter Nelson Madiba Mandela.
Former president of federal republic of nigeria Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, as paid his own tribute to the late icon and he event say that Late Nelson, told him what power is all about.
“Certain that his task was completed, Mandela modestly refused to seek re-election after his first term in office as his presidency elapsed. I still recall his pragmatic words when he said to me ‘Olu, show me a [reasonable] place in the world where a man of 80 years is running the affairs of his country’.
“This, to me, reflects an unequaled sense of modesty for a man who spent 27 of the prime years of his life in prison for a just cause.”