Fathia, 28
I had dated him for 3 good years without knowing he was married. He lives in Abeokuta and I live in Lagos so most of the time, he comes down to Lagos to visit me.
I found his home address in one of the documents he kept at my place and I thought giving him a surprise visit would be perfect on his birthday. I hired a surprise company because I wanted the day to be special for him.
The gateman didn’t even hesitate to open the gate for us because he knew we wanted to surprise him.
As soon as the trumpet blew, one short dark woman came out and was looking surprised and grumpy. She went back inside and came back with her husband (my boyfriend) and 4 children, his last born were twins.
I didn’t even know when I collapsed after seeing them. I woke up to meet myself drenched in water and being blown air by the ‘surprise’ people. They said he told them to carry me out after I collapsed and that we must have missed the road because he doesn’t know me.